Introduction :
Automation is the most important step in Devops. In this blog , we’ll interact with the GitHub API to read the list of user’s public repositories and created date using shell scripts , running them on an AWS EC2 instance.
Step-1 : Create an ec-2 instance.
First login to AWS console.
Search ec2 instance.
Click on launch instance.
Configure ec2 instance :
Enter a name for your instance.
Select Ubuntu as an operating system.
Select Instance type as per your needs. Ex: t2.micro
Select a key-pair for secure connection.
If you had a pair select that from dropdown else ,
click on create new key pair.
Click on launch instance.
Once the instance is ready connect to instance by the below command on linux or if u had windows use MobaXterm.
ssh -i /path-to-key-value-pair.pem Ubuntu@ec2-instance-ip-address
Step-2 : Create a GitHub API token.
Login to GitHub and open settings tab.
Select Developer Settings available on side bar.
Click on personal access token and then click on tokens classic.
Click on Generate new token for classic and give authentication password.
Select necessary checkboxes to give access and then click on generate token.
Copy token.
Step-3 : Create a shell script for GitHub API calls.
- First create a scripting file.
- Write the below code in the
# Author : Vishal
#created at : 06/01/2025
api= #main api of github
list_repo_url=$api/users/$username/repos #entire url formation
echo "username $username" #printing the username given from export command
echo "url is $list_repo_url" #printing the entire url .
arr=$(curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \
H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
$list_repo_url | jq -c '.[]') #sending request and storing the json compact format in array
echo $arr | while ISR= read i ;do
echo $i | jq -r '"Name : \(.name) Created at : \(.created_at)"' #printing repo name and created date.
- Save and exit the file.
Step-4 : Executing Script.
- Insert username and token value by export command.
export username=github-username
export token=your-github-api-token
- Change permission for file to execute by user.
chmod 777
- Execute the script.
Conclusion :
In this blog, we explored how to integrate the GitHub API with Shell scripts on an AWS EC2 instance, demonstrating a practical approach to automating tasks like fetching repositories data and just displayed name and created-date information.